Quality statement

The quality and reliability of the company’s products and service are the concern of every individual in the organisation and are not the sole responsibility of any one person.

Inbuilt quality starts firstly with the engineering and design of products and then with the receipt of all incoming goods and materials, by ensuring that the items are correct as ordered and fit for purpose. Our high quality standard then flows through all subsequent manufacturing phases and operations including that element of quality that comes from the skill and accuracy of the person carrying out that phase or operation.

Thus every section, and person in it, has quality related responsibilities through to final manufacturing completion and, but not limited to, delivery. In short, quality cannot be inspected into production or service. It must be a part of the business culture.

Each person therefore, is responsible for manufacturing the scheduled quality in the required time and to the high company standards.

Consequently, a “right first time” approach is the key to quality production, cost effective production, cost reduction, productivity, prompt deliveries and customer satisfaction.

To help achieve this objective, should a quality problem arise, it will be identified and solved with speed, technical efficiency and economy. The manufacturing methods we employ are continually under review and techniques are improved wherever and whenever necessary.

“Quality Assurance” means exactly what it implies. It is the assurance that our client’s products are always finished with all the care and attention we are capable of and that the products will pass any quality test that our customers require.

The foregoing broad principles are basic to this company for the assurance of product and service quality.

All personnel are requested to actively support these principles and to be ever mindful of the company’s aims and objective to provide at all times, the highest achievable level of quality.